Archive for March, 2011

my new post

Posted in Uncategorized on March 2, 2011 by patriciachemist

hey and assalamualaikum everyone.
it’s been a while since i write in here. trust me, those ‘about me’ section was a total poyo. and I haven’t got the time to “repair” it yet.

right now i’m a total-no-idea-kind-of-situation to write about things my supervisor ask me to write. (berapa banyak write nih..ha ha) and that I need to do anyway. so, what better way to kick start the penulisan ala-ala akademik nih (yang tak sepatutnya bercampur bahasa) than to practise it in your blog!

this week is probably one of the saddest week of my life here di perantauan. salah seorang kakak/rakan/sahabat/teman lunch/gossip buddy is going home for good. kak nono. too much memories yang we lalui together already. banyak sgt, yang if diceritakan di sini, alamatnya satu kerja pun takkan jalan harini.heh. last night I was looking back at all our pictures together. sebak sgt..sedih…(Lagu pelangi petang from sudirman the background). I guess that’s the reality of living abroad. you have to accept that someday, people will definitely go home. not forever here. I’m going home someday too. It’s just that in Malaysia, the cath-up (pegi lepak rumah malam2, bbq session, badminton session, gelak ketawa golek2 session) will not gonna be as easy as di sini. Kak noni (yes, depa punya name mmg dekat2-nama panggilan aje, nama sebenar sikit bunyik pun tak berjiran..hehe) is already home (as a matter of fact, she’s in France folloowing her husband who work there. she’s also one of my closest friends here. come two weeks Kak sha is going home for good as well. kak salmi is in malaysia too. kak reehan is probably going back in two months time (not sure yet). therefore, what’s left is my fellow Turanas, lana, alia, closest guy-friends (whom names shall not be mention here, because u know who u r)..(ahem,the first time talking oh-so-private thing here)

FRIENDS are hugely important living overseas. they’ll be your temporary family here. berkongsi suka duka. masa sedih dan gembira. without them, man, I dare say you’ll not survive. nope. as much as a lone ranger I am, masa lepak dan bersosial (ok, bukan yang pelik2 ye, keluar minum2 dan sebagainya) mesti diperuntukkan. so bila ada yang kembali ke tanah air, memang cukup2 terasa kehilangan mereka sebenarnya. apatah lagi si comel anak2 mereka, penghibur hati, yang dulu nyayikan “ling-lang-ley” untuk “live down the lane” sampai dah menjadi seorang yang cukup manis dan bijak, yes that’s you Julia. kak yu will hugely MISS you. in two months tiime, another one of adik yang rapat-sangat, Mek Cah (Aishah) kak reehan daughter will be leaving too. yang ini lagi sorang yang cukup terkesan di sanubari. dari tidak ada vocab sampai cukup petah berbicara. tawanya sahaja. or the moment she called KAK YU..aduhh…semua stress yang melaut seakan hilang terus..and, she’ll be leaving too…

ok. done with my touchy-feely cerita..i’ll write in u soon ok! be safe darling blog.