Archive for July, 2009


Posted in my piece on July 5, 2009 by patriciachemist

Escapism…. haven’t heard in my entire undergrads life…

Doin’ research..had escapism for zillions of time…I guess, being a research student is a bit “bored” after all…well, if u consider that pile of journals and experiements to be conducted, hmm, not really tho..but, life is kinda the thrills like in undergrad fun to celebrate after classes or exams, no huge discussion for assignments et cetera…no bowling, lepaking, wayang together-gether (darn, I seriously miss the old time lah!)’s all by yrself now..with yr supervisor of course..and some friends (totally talk bout the school-if u gonna compare with undergard-plus, I’ve got plenty Msian here), BORED is really relevant for me..therefore, I had to escape..had to break from this “boring” life..thus, ESCAPISM..

Some of u may ask..what actually ppl do in their escape (in relevant to the matter)..tons..all revolve around these major things: 1) internet 2) tv 3) movies 4) shopping complex 5) coffee shop or cafetaria 6) the forum

1) internet-blogging..hee..facebooking, youtube,, local news (as in Malaysia), world news, games, wikipedia, yahoo messengger, bla bla bla..

2) tv-my major concern…hahaha

3) movies-sweet addiction…

4) shopping complex-kinda my must do thing with kak nono and julia in the weekend lately..will waste the time here when it’s REAL BORED or MOOD SWING..hehehhee..

5) coffee shop or cafeteria-personally my safe place in campus..hahaha..i’ll be like spending sometime too much for the morning coffee, then lunch, then afternoon tea..

6) the forum-ah, i just love forum…my endorphine just flooding in badminton play..sort of must-do-thing on weekend..and, swimming of course, not regular as it’s winter now, tho the pool and the room are heated, but really not feeling into-the-pool..haha

I have to add one more for me, it’s the novel thing, just finished with Stephanie Meyer’s twilight returned to my fav writer of all time-Patricia Cornwell, currently reading (or revised as I’ve read it b4): Jack the Ripper: Case Closed..probably going to the Book of the Dead next..and, I’ve the omnibus of three novels of her waiting to be read..waw..I really escape this time..hahhaha

You know what, I think if there’s no internet-or it could only be use to search journal and do academic thing, no facebook, no nothing, and no tv, no facilities to “escape”, I think I could really concentrate and focus on things that I definitely have to do..things that sometimes, because too much escape, that I’ve neglected them..things that what I came here really are for..which, I would picture myself then as a helpless nerd, with no need of social life, only could live with my chemistry things, don’t care about the world, left out of the current gossips…woo, that’s too much, aye..I’ve got to say that I am relieved that these escapisms least, my mind is still free, not depressed, happy.. hehe..=)

I’m “BUSTED”…hahahahha

Posted in my piece on July 4, 2009 by patriciachemist

Well u know, not really…

I kinda thought that no one..ever..ever wanna read the blog…hehe..but hey, mine is not a private blog or, having ppl to read the blog is kinda expected..I know, I shoulda feel exciting, awesome, etc..that my stuff got reviewed..

Tapi, rasa malu menerjah..kerna sebelum ini, dirasakan tiada yang membaca..menatap coretan yang entah apa-apa..hehe..oh ya, sebenarnya mungkin rasa malu andai salah satu karya bicara hati dibaca..yang lain itu tidak apa..haha..

Anyway, I got ”busted”..hahahahha….keep on reading people..yes, u know who u r..hahahha…and, thank YOU sOOOO much..